Role: Industrial Design Student
Reverse Engineering, Ideation, Prototyping, User Interviews, Testing

DESIGN GOAL: Design a modern electric griddle that enhances the family experience of cooking a meal on an electric griddle.
Listen to: The cooker and the one’s being cooked for

Fave has a ceramic non-Teflon coating, handles on the side, and a full plastic surrounding body to protect the users. It has a larger drip tray and a UNIVERSAL control probe for ease of use. Fave is a griddle that optimizes the number of pancakes you make in 1 go.
Instead of making the "9 pancakes" that are 3 inches in diameter but falsely claimed as normal size pancakes by most griddle companies, you can make 8 average sized pancakes with Fave. You might be done in 1 batch!

The probe also has a 45 degree angle to be easily read by the user without having to look over the griddle or bend down their head. This allows the entire experience of making pancakes easier since the visibility is improved.

Fave is much more than just an electric griddle. It brings people in and invites more social engagement as the meal is prepared. It's safety and simplicity allows the entire family to take part in the cooking process, making it the center of the family interaction.